Workshops and Training

Engaging workshops and training sessions for teams ranging from general management to specialists

Falcone International's combined expertise is regularly made available to clients through workshops and training to empower decision-makers and specialist teams. Ranging from single sessions to multi-day events, we assess our client's needs and develop a program for them that fits their requirements.

Topics we frequently cover in workshops and training sessions

  • Building and strengthening cybersecurity
  • Fraud detection & prevention
  • Countering phishing & social engineering
  • Identifying and mitigating insider threats
  • Planning and implementing business continuity
  • Empowering the compliance and AML function

Why invest in workshops and training sessions?

Participating in our training programs provides a variety of benefits for your organization, such as enhancing your security measures, mitigating risks, and ensuring the safety of your employees, executives, and operations. By investing in our training programs, you can be confident that you're taking the necessary steps to protect your organization and its assets from potential threats.

Our experienced trainers and instructors are dedicated to providing you with the most up-to-date information and skills needed to help you stay ahead of any potential risks or threats. Whether you're looking to enhance your security protocols, learn how to respond to emergencies, or develop a better understanding of threat assessments and risk management, Falcone International is here to help.

We offer our combined expertise in workshops and training for teams ranging from management to specialists to empower decision-makers and expert groups.

Benefits of conducting workshops or training sessions across your organization and teams

Risk reduction - By educating employees about potential security threats and fraud schemes, companies can reduce the likelihood of a security breach or fraud occurring.

Compliance - Many industries have regulations and compliance requirements that mandate certain types of security and anti-fraud measures, such as HIPAA for healthcare or PCI-DSS for payment card processing.

Reputation - Security breaches and fraud can damage a company's reputation and lead to loss of customer trust and loyalty.

Financial Loss - Security breaches and fraud can result in significant financial losses for a company, including the cost of recovering from the incident and any legal or regulatory fines.

Employee empowerment - By providing training and education, companies can empower employees to identify and report suspicious activity, and be more aware of the importance of security in their day-to-day work.

A detailed look at the topics that can be covered

  • Information security: best practices for protecting sensitive data and systems from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction; including topics such as risk management, access control, encryption, network security, incident response, and disaster recovery; how to implement security policies and procedures; how to secure and manage mobile devices, how to identify and report security incidents and how to comply with relevant laws and regulations; how to recognize and avoid common threats, such as phishing and social engineering, and on how to handle sensitive information securely.
  • Cybersecurity: techniques for securing a company's network, including intrusion detection and prevention, the use of virtual private networks (VPNs), best practices for securing mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, how to protect against mobile malware, how to respond to a security incident, such as a data breach, and how to minimize the damage and recover as quickly as possible.
  • Phishing and social engineering: how to identify and prevent phishing scams, and how to avoid falling for social engineering tactics, different methods and techniques used by attackers to trick individuals into disclosing sensitive information or performing unwanted actions, how to identify and avoid phishing emails, text messages, and phone calls, as well as how to spot and avoid social engineering tactics in person or online, best practices for reporting suspicious activity and steps to take if an employee falls for a phishing or social engineering attack.
  • Fraud detection and prevention: how to identify different types of fraud that can occur within an organization, such as financial fraud, identity theft, and skimming, identify and report suspicious activities and transactions, as well as best practices for preventing fraud, such as creating and implementing internal controls, monitoring for unusual activity, and conducting regular audits, how to respond to fraud incidents, including how to conduct investigations, and how to minimize the damage and recover as quickly as possible.
  • Counter-intelligence: how to protect a company from espionage and sabotage by competitors, hostile governments, or other adversaries, learn about the various methods and techniques that adversaries may use to gain access to a company's sensitive information and resources, information on how to identify and prevent espionage, sabotage, and other malicious activities, best practices for maintaining operational security and protecting sensitive information, such as creating security protocols and procedures, implementing physical security measures, and training employees on how to identify and report suspicious activity.
  • Insider threat: how to identify and prevent threats from within the company, such as embezzlement, sabotage or leaking of sensitive information.
  • Business continuity: master the steps and procedures that a company should take to minimize the impact of a disruptive event, such as a natural disaster, cyber-attack, or pandemic, how to create a business continuity plan, assessing and identifying risks, developing strategies for disaster recovery and incident response, and testing and training on the plan to ensure it is effective, ensure the plan's relevance in light of changing circumstances and potential new risks.
  • Compliance: how to comply with laws, regulations, and standards that apply to a company's industry or specific business operations (such as HIPAA, PCI-DSS and GDPR), overview of the key requirements and the potential consequences of non-compliance, best practices for achieving and maintaining compliance, how to identify and manage compliance risks, how to respond to and report compliance breaches, how to implement compliance policies, procedures and controls and how to conduct internal audits to ensure compliance.

Talk to us about what workshop or training sessions you need

We are ready to help you with the above challenges. Contact us today to learn more about how our training programs can benefit your organization and help you stay ahead of potential security risks.

EVENT Spotlight
We offer our combined expertise in workshops and training for teams ranging from management to specialists to empower decision-makers and expert groups.

Mastering Operational Risk, Resilience, and Crisis Management

Our CEO, Tobias Jaeger, teaches this three-day hands-on Mastering Operational Risk, Resilience, and Crisis Management program at AIF — Amsterdam Institute of Finance. The course is designed to equip finance professionals with the knowledge, skills, and tools to manage operational risk effectively and build resilience in their organizations. The curriculum provides a comprehensive coverage of risk management, including strategic, financial, operational, and reputational risks, while also emphasizing the importance of organizational resilience to adapt and thrive in an ever-changing business environment. It also covers crisis management when risk management does not prove to be effective enough.

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