This weekend read delves into the various risks businesses face during economic downturns, with a particular focus on the rise of fraud and malfeasance. It outlines several strategies to recession-proof a business, including fostering a culture of integrity, investing in human capital, leveraging technology, creating a robust crisis management plan, and implementing strong internal controls. By taking proactive measures, businesses can effectively manage risks, enhance resilience, and weather the economic storm.

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In “Glass Houses,” author Joel Brenner dissects the paradox of privacy, secrecy, and cyber insecurity within our increasingly transparent digital age. Brenner presents a thorough exploration of the delicate balance between the need for secrecy and the demand for transparency in modern societies. Through his detailed examination of current cybersecurity issues, Brenner provides valuable insights into navigating the complex dynamics of privacy in a world where every action can be monitored and tracked.

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