Falcone International: A reliable partner for accounting, audit, and law firms

As an accounting, audit, or law firm, you solve complex challenges for your clients. Like you, we also operate in an arena of trust, discretion, and excellence in execution. We share these values. As such, we provide our services to accounting, audit, and law firms to enhance their offering to clients in many situations.

Company snapshot and fact sheet for other firms

Fast Facts

  • Founded: 2022 in the United States
  • Locations: Offices in 2 countries, the United States, the United Kingdom, satellite representation in Continental Europe, Singapore, and Southern Africa; hybrid operation
  • Active entities: United States & United Kingdom
  • Availability: Operating worldwide except for US/UK/EU sanctioned countries
  • Leadership: Tobias Jaeger, Founder & CEO
  • Financials: Zero debt, privately held, and built to stay
  • Network: growing cadre of 120+ business, financial, investigative, communication, and intelligence professionals, each with decades of experience and top-notch network
  • Affiliations: Among our team are proud members of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) and the Association of Corporate Investigators (ACi).

What we do

Investigations to give our clients dependable, impartial third-party perspective.

Intelligence provide our clients with dependable, discrete, timely data and analysis that enables them to minimize risk and make better informed decisions.

Operational Support in the form of due diligence, risk assessments, litigation support, duty of care, and business continuity.

Client profiles

Financial Markets participants including Private Equity and Venture Capital firms, Hedge Funds, Funds of Funds, Family Offices and Banks and Financial Institutions.

Corporates & Businesses including large corporations, Small & Midsize Enterprises, and companies with foreign operations.

Philanthropy & Non-Governmental Organizations with a global mission.

On-demand integrated capabilities for your practice. Delivered now.

We make our integrated capabilities available to other professionals at accounting, audit, and law firms on a regular basis to support their law, litigation, assurance, audit, and financial management practices. Not every practice wants to keep the full spectrum of investigative and support capabilities on retainer. That's where we come in. 

Law firm briefing

Download this brief, two-page summary for your review and internal circulation within your firm.

law firms audit accounting firm audit findings litigation disputes industry relations

Accounting & audit firm briefing

Download this brief, two-page summary for your review and internal circulation within your firm.

law firms audit accounting firm audit findings litigation disputes industry relations

Common areas in which we support accounting, audit, and law firms

Litigation Support

In a litigation case we can provide background investigations, help with finding assets, provide forensic solutions, or analyze data and tech.

Disputes Support

We can support you through the entire lifecycle of a dispute from assessment, preparation, filing, trial or settlement, and overall advisory.

Due Diligence in Deals

While you are busy focusing on making the deal and securing a legally binding agreement, we can cover the due diligence and its findings.

Executive Background Checks

Whether it is new talent or to vet an existing team, we can deliver thorough background checks worldwide at the appropriate level.

Securing Evidence

Legally secure evidence gathering and recording while identifying responsible parties are the backbone of any strong case.

Outsourced Investigations

Investigations can help identify fraud, misconduct, or other issues jeopardizing an organization. We help uncover it systematically.

Read more about all of our Services.

A few more detailed examples of how we can help your leading accounting, audit, and law firm with our expertise.

Due Diligence and Deal Intelligence

Example scenario: In a proposed transaction, your client has voiced concerns about the other party, but your preliminary search has come up clean.

How we can help: We can dig in and dig deeper. Besides the usual sources, we can activate our network of OSINT operators as well as people on the ground to vet the other side.

Background Checks and Investigations

Example scenario: Your client is hiring a new key manager and the candidate, who came through an introduction, supposedly has done well in the past and there are no red flags.

How we can help: We can verify the candidate’s personal and professional past, as well as their affiliations. Also, we can perform an in-depth interview, testing for signs of deception.

Mergers & Acquisitions Support

Example scenario: The company your client wants to acquire has had tremendous results and the management team is excited. The financials look good, but there might be unseen issues.

How we can help: We can check the integrity of the management team, test for ulterior motives, the circumstances surrounding the deal, and create an enhanced assessment of the deal.

Corporate Investigations

Example scenario: A company you represent have noticed irregularities in their finances, management reports, stock levels, or they have indications fraud occurred.

How we can help: We can mount an investigation into what happened and who is responsible while complying with protocol so it can be used in court if necessary.

Asset Searches & Recovery Support

Example scenario: Equipment, machinery, data, inventory, or other assets, like intellectual property, have gone missing from your client’s premises or storage.

How we can help: We can investigate the circumstances of the assets’ disappearance and activate countermeasures to aid recovery.

Contact information for accounting, audit, or law firms

Reach out to start the conversation or send us an RFP here.

Direct contact for other professionals

Tobias Jaeger
Founder & CEO 

tjaeger [at] falconeinternational.com

+1 (202) 240-2850
+44 20 3925 7973

Full profile here. Tobias is a member of the ACFE and the ACi.

Global Headquarters: Washington, DC

+1 (202) 240-2557

650 Massachussets Ave

Washington, DC 20001

United States of America

EMEA Office:

London, United Kingdom

+44 20 3925 7973

71 Queen Victoria Street

EC4V 4BE London

United Kingdom

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Case Studies and Client Stories

security, risk management, compliance, and deterring malfeasance in organizations

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Falcone International white papers

Best practices for safeguarding private equity firms

A 5-minute read, this white paper lists the state-of-the-art strategies to mitigate deal execution risk, enhance governance, and protect funds and managers against internal and external threats.

Best practices for protecting single and multi family offices

A 5-minute read, this family office guide explains how family offices can rely on world-class support and strategies for deals, governance, and safeguarding the family and their wealth.